I turned 31 two weeks ago and time seems to have sped up since then. I've been busy doing this n' that, so here is a quick update:
I travelled to Victoria on my birthday, June 29, to surprise my dad, who was being installed as the President of the Victoria Harbourside Rotary Club. This was a big deal for him and I was glad I could be there to share his special day, even if it meant being at the Union Club at an ungodly hour, as Rotary normally hold breakfast meetings.
Smiling president Rick Lemon, L, being congratulated by Troy Alexander, R.
Just a day later and it was off to Kelowna for my brother Alex and his lady-love Laura's wedding on July 2. It was a very small, family-only affair as these two aren't really into making big spectacles (I'm not sure how Alex can be related to me). We joked that after 10 years, Laura is really already part of the family so this was really just another "installation ceremony." I got to spend some great quality time before the wedding with my brother, drinking beer and blacking blackjack (that was our "stag night"), and even though the wedding was tiny, it had all those traditional wedding elements: tears, joy, romance, and cake. Alex and Laura are now off on a wonderful honeymoon at Disneyworld and the Bahamas. I got an ecstatic airport update a few days ago from the Junior Lemons that they were dining beside Geraldo Rivera and his glorious moustache, so really, doesn't that make it all worth it?
My beautiful Momma - we're on the ferry on our way to Kelowna for the wedding!
On our first day in Kelowna we found this - "Rick's Garden World." My Pop was ecstatic - if you've seen his gardens then you understand. I have a feeling this might be his Christmas card this year...
Me n' Al on our "stag night." We (OK, AL) made us some significant cash at the blackjack tables!
On our way to the ceremony - we are SO EXCITED!
My brother is a handsome groom.
The newlyweds.
Honeymooning in the Magic Kingdom.
While I was in Kelowna I also got to visit my cousin Kathy and her partner Nick at their new property. They have bought a few acres so that Kathy, who has been horse-crazy since birth, could bring her 3 horses home, and so that Nick, who has a love of all things mechanical, could have the garage of all garages. Their property is beautiful, with a log cabin home, space for more animals than they have (Nick wants to add a donkey and sheep to their menagerie), and amazing views.
Kathy with a trophy she just won for...err...Kath? Something about hacking? And a horse? I'm proud of you anyway!
One of the stunning views at Kathy and Nick's place.
I was miserably sick for the better part of a week after I got home from Kelowna, thanks to some new meds which a specialist had put me on to help me deal with some of my symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a metabolic condition that has gifted me with, among other things, insulin resistance, weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, hormone surges, horrible PMS - lots of loveliness, in other words. However, the medications that the specialist put me on were horrible - I couldn't keep anything down - and after 6 days of being housebound, I decided there must be a better (i.e. medication free) and natural way for me to deal with my PCOS. Within three days of going off the medications, I felt back to my old self, and strong enough to host a wine and cheese to celebrate my belated birthday last Friday night.
Thanks to Les Amis du Fromage and Acme Cafe, my friends and I celebrated in wonderful style with various cheeses, charcuterie, and of course, lemon meringue pie. It was just the way I wanted to celebrate being "31-derful," with my friends from all walks of life getting together to enjoy some laughs and of course some cheese.
Last weekend was another whirlwind of family events. Saturday my mom and her 5 brothers and sisters were all in the same place for the first time in several years, and we had a family barbecue to celebrate. It meant I got to spend quality time with my godkids at the barbecue, and thankfully I left before the family waterfight broke out. Yikes. That night my parents and I attended a party on the roof of the Loden Hotel to celebrate my lovely Auntie Claire's 60th birthday party - another night of family, friends and food (are you noticing a theme to Year 31 so far?!)
Sunset at the Loden.
My lovely Auntie on her 60th.
This past Monday I spent house-hunting with my friend Cathy, who is looking to move downtown. We started out with the best of intentions, but our will to search kind of gave out as the day went on...we nipped in for a bagel at Solly's, then I remembered it was free Slurpee Day so of course, we had to get one of those, and then, well, we were hungry again, so we met our friend Caitlin at the Foundation on Main for vegetarian food...
OMG free Slurpees!
After a spontaneous afternoon tea with my friend Eliza at Nelson the Seagull (more on that place later!), I headed off last night to Theatre Under the Stars at the Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park to see the premiere of "Bye Bye Birdie" (picture below courtesy the beautiful Louisa Phung - I stole it from her FB page). It was a long night (3 hour running time), but a lovely one, running into lots of theatre friends and of course enjoying watching some of them hoof it onstage. TUTS is a great way to spend a summer evening.
We love you Conrad, oh yes we do...
So that's the first two weeks of 31-derful. Not bad, even with a sickness hiatus. Now if only the weather would cooperate so we could have a bit more summer; Vancouver has reverted to its normal cloudy, wet and grey status this morning...