Down n' Dirty on Alexander Street

On Saturday I participated in a community gardening project on Alexander Street, sponsored by the Vancouver Public Space Network. We had agreed to show up rain or shine, but I have to admit, I was not pleased when I woke up that morning to grey skies and drizzle. Still, off I went, and really, it was a blast.
I had this vision of dancing around planting lovely flowers. Instead, I got this 10 cubic-yard pile of dirt, which we had to shovel.

Team Dirtpile: Anne, Caroline, and Brent.

I couldn't resist, unflattering photo bedamned.

We had to wheel our dirt over to where the city had cut away the sidewalk to make room for our garden.

The beautiful plants!

I can't wait to go back and see how our little plants are doing. We planted a number of raspberry bushes; does anyone know if they'll produce fruit this year? How amazing would that be?!