Meals in Minutes 2: Cauliflower Macaroni

This is a macaroni and cheese baked with cauliflower and an herbed bread and pancetta topping, an endive and radicchio salad with a fresh basil dressing, and stewed fruit with vanilla bean ice cream - the ice cream is store bought, but everything else was made from scratch.

This attempt took a little bit longer - 46 minutes, from start to sit-down, including cleanup - because I'm too fussy to sit down to eat until the dishes are done and the counters wiped down (thanks, Mom). This longer time was in part because I woke up groggy from an afternoon nap after hosting a Mothers' Day brunch for my family this morning, and also because I wasn't really feeling like cooking another big meal today. However, I knew when I was reaching for the take-away menu from Thailicious that tonight was when the real challenge began - when I didn't actually feel like getting my act together, but did so anyway.

The macaroni was nice, not too rich or cheesy. I stewed peaches with a splash of vanilla, orange juice and cinnamon, and it was a delicious ending to the meal. I'm now sitting with my cup of coffee and feeling very smug about cooking through the pain...

Meals in Minutes 1: Roast Salmon

So Jamie Oliver has a new book called "Meals in Minutes." Theoretically, each recipe will assist you to make an entire meal (including dessert) in half an hour or less. My Irish pal Darragh (a devoted foodie and recent contestant on Come Dine With Me) and I were discussing the book; he's been working his way through the recipes and is yet to find one under an hour. I decided I'd get the book too and see how quickly I could put together the meals.

Last night before my performance was my first attempt - this is roast salmon with asparagus, pancetta and tomatoes, with mint new potatoes, spinach salad, and salsa verde. There was also a Banoffee Pie, which is not pictured because it was an epic fail thanks to my substitution of Splenda for real sugar. Sometimes you just need to use the real thing.

It took me 32 minutes to make all the dishes, which I thought was fabulous. I'm really working on trying to regain my health after two years of neglecting myself completely in favour of work, and I like being able to cook clean, whole food efficiently at home. Notice I did not say "cheaply." Jamie says in the introduction that he's costed out all these meals and that ultimately it's cheaper than buying take-aways and ready made meals. I don't know if I agree with that. The ingredients for this roast salmon dinner clocked in at a whopping $50 - considering that I only made two servings (hooray for leftovers), that's still $25 a plate - so yes, takeaway is cheaper. It may be that some of the condiments and ingredients required can be re-used in separate recipes, but I still had to fork out for them. We'll see if the cost goes down as I go - I intend to race Darragh through the recipes in this book.

It will take me longer as most of the recipes are for an entire family, and my entire family is just me - which means I probably only need to make 1 or 2 dishes a week. The other problem is, because it's just me, I often decide not to cook and opt for something easy like soup and a sandwich instead. So this is going to take some discipline - but hopefully the fun and ease of it will keep me going!

OK, check out this lovely message that I just received from an admirer on I've been doing the online dating thing more for the comedic potential of it than actually finding a mate, and messages like this truly make the whole endeavour worthwhile:

Hope you are doing well.I read your profile.You are beautiful and attractive female.The clue to every thing a good man with good soul should love is in you there in your beautiful pictures.Right from the start in the light gentle smile that swell the archery of your so fully nicely shaped lips.There is a good sense of humour and confidence on your sweet and attractive face.your soft sweet velvety cheeks with light dimples look attractive.Honest vacuous innocence on your whole face the face which is looking with full of grace and really have a great force in your physical personality which can and maintain a status where ever you go with that beautiful looks.I think that curiosity to know the unknown does not hurt any one.

I'm not sure that being called "vacuous" is really a compliment. Also, I think there might have been a few Google Translator fails in there: "archery" of my lips? "Grace and corona"? I don't even drink beer! Anyway, this message right here is really good value for money, I this rate I'm going to enter into a domestic partnership with Currie Cat and call it a day.

Fridays in the City.

After a busy busy week of at least three meetings or appointments a day, I needed a lazy Friday. And after a good sleep-in, I hopped on the Grey Lady, my new townbike, and headed across town to the Denman Bike Shop (where I got my cruiser, Ms. Bertha Chatelaine), to pick up a new helmet - mine fell off the kitchen counter and cracked. Fail. Anyways, new helmet bought, I decided to keep trundling down Davie, back into my old neighbourhood. I hardly ever go there now, and the place has changed a lot in the three years (omigoshhowtimeflies) since I left.

At the intersection at Comox and Davie I watched a squirrel try to cross four lanes of traffic. I was shrieking for "someone" to save the lil' guy and praying that I wasn't going to have to witness him being squished into a pancake by a cab - but he made it across safely. I decided to pop into Cupcakes for a mini red velvet to celebrate:

To be honest, the cupcakes aren't as good as those at Victoria's Pink Sugar (my brother and I sneak over there for vegan cupcakes whenever I'm in town) but the Cupcakes store is so damn pretty, it's just a delight to visit.

Then I ambled down the seawall, past English Bay, around Yaletown, and back into my beloved DTES. Paid a quick visit to my peeps at Acme, and then home to go for a Rolling Hills run on the treadmill. I mean, awesome. I love being my own boss. I'm starting to worry about getting more clients in the door, but really, it's been less than a month. I have to stop being so hard on myself. I don't know that I'll ever learn that lesson...

I asked this woman if I could take her picture - she laughed and said "I was here yesterday too, but that wouldn't have made for such a good photo." I guess not, what with the pathetic slushy snowfall we had yesterday afternoon...

Lesson of the Day, Revised: Blackmail AND WHINING Always Work.

So during my visit to On the Coast on Friday I whined at the host, Stephen Quinn, that in addition to meeting George Stroumboulopolous, I should also be entitled to tickets to see a taping of his show, in light of my awesome tweetiness. Stephen was immediately apologetic and said that they hadn't been able to wrangle enough tickets to give one to me. But this morning, he phoned and said they'd found a couple, and could I be at CBC Studios by 3 p.m.? I said that I was disappointed he wasn't calling to offer me a job after my 15 seconds of fame, but I'd take the tickets as a consolation prize.

I asked my friend and neighbour Zoe, who writes the blog Woodwardsmile, to come with me. As we approached CBC, Zoe glimpsed a huge line of people outside. We both groaned and decided we were way too old to wait in lines anymore. "Don't worry," I said bravely. "We're on the VIP list," (I had no idea if we were), and marched past the line and into the building.

We were (Thanks, Quinn). We were then escorted by a red-jacketed CBC employee into an elevator and down into the basement, where we met another line. We were dismayed at how long the VIP line-up was, until Red Jacket then ushered us past that line (Zoe, to me, on VIP status: "I like hanging out with you"), and into a smaller studio. George came through and did a quick meet and greet, and then we were into the main studio, in the front section of seats, and the taping began.

First, the production manager taped the audience clapping at various levels of enthusiasm. Then a warm-up act, then George, who answered a few audience questions and cracked a few jokes prior to taping.

George interviewed Elizabeth May, Ice Cube, and Ian Hanomansing (after a quick wardrobe change, as that interview was for tomorrow's broadcast). At each commercial break he'd interact with the audience, taking questions, and telling funny anecdotes. We heard about his appearance in "Hobo with a Shotgun" (he dies), why the Randy Quaid interview for this week got cancelled (Quaid craziness), his views on hip-hop (dead), God (dead), his best interview ever (Woody Harrelson), who he would have liked to interview but didn't (George Carlin), his ringtone (NWA), and much more. During the taping we laughed and applauded on cue. After the show, George spent at least another half hour taking audience questions, and then held a meet-and-greet for the non-VIP guests. I mean, the man doesn't stop.

And I can tell you from briefly meeting him on Friday, he's exactly who and what you see on TV. "Strombo" is not a persona that disappears the moment the cameras are not rolling. He is warm and engaging, potty-mouthed, self-deprecating, and a weird combination of earnest/sarcastic. I'm pretty sure he's exhausting to hang out with for a sustained period of time, because he is so passionate and opinionated about, well, everything. But dammit, he makes for good TV. Long may he reign.


I'm a lawyer, singer, actor, writer, and dreamer. I lead a full life surrounded by amazing friends and devoted family. My partner-in-crime is a cat named Currie. I love Jane Austen, popcorn, bubble baths, showtunes, Fluevog shoes, John Donne's sonnets, and chocolate, although not necessarily in that order (and not all at the same time). Most of all, I love that you're here and reading this blog.

I love my iPad 2.

So I must admit, I have never been an ardent admirer of the iPad. Don't get me wrong, I'm a pseudo-hipster, so I am genetically predisposed to love Apple products. I remember asking my Dad for an iPod for Christmas the year when the very first generation came out, and they were like, $700. I have at various points had 3 iPods to my name. I'm on my second MacBook (upgraded to the pro - his name is Vincent Van Go). I am surgically attached to my iPhone. But I never really went crazy for the iPad. Sure, they were cool. But I couldn't think of a reason why I needed one. I still can't, really. But last week something came over me, and I put my name on the wait list for an iPad 2. And today - success! And - I love it. So much. I can't figure out how I lived without it.

"But it's just your iPhone - only bigger," protested my cousin Sal this afternoon.

"I know," I exclaimed, drunkenly scrolling through all my recently purchased apps. "IT'S BRILLIANT!"

And it is. Seriously, people, this thing is awesome. I'm typing this on my wireless keyboard - poor ol' Vincent Van Go is sitting charging forlornly in the bedroom. TwistyPad - well, he has everything I need, really. Music, apps, I downloaded Pages so I could word process - ZestyKobo is very upset that I might start using TwistyPad to read e-books, and you know what? ZestyKobo should be worried! Why hit a button and wait 2 seconds for the next page to load, when I can flick through pages, and even read in the dark, thanks to TwistyPad's beautiful backlight? I'm in love with a machine that I had absolutely no need for. BUT I LOVE IT!

OK, off to FaceTime my brother. He picked up HIS iPad 2 today as well...

Stay tuned for my next exclamation of techno-joy: iPhone 5, coming this fall...

Lesson of the Day: Blackmail Always Works

So yesterday on "On the Coast" Stephen Quinn mentioned that if you wanted to win a chance to hang out in studio today with George Strombolopolous, you had to tweet SQ and tell him why you should win. I sort of Tweet-bombed him with the following:

@ I will sing you and @ a song, and even bake you cookies. Maybe we can do yoga? Or swear at it? I'll bring my cat!

@ PS I just started my own biz and you should publicize me. I'm the only dancing, singing, pink haired techno lawyer in Van.

@ PS, I have certain PMs from you regarding certain other CBC hosts (not @). When all else fails, try blackmail. :) (Editor's note: It's true, I DO)

@ also, i'm Fred Lee's neighbour - and really somebody over there should make that up me. :)

Anyways, so word came from Mr. Quinn himself this morning that my blackmail/Tweetbomb campaign was successful so I'll be hanging with two of my favourite media gents this afternoon, at 5:30 on CBC Radio One. Let my take-over of the CBC commence!

Neighourhood Watch: I Love My Bank (Seriously).

When I moved home to Canada, I opened accounts with TD Canada Trust, because they were opening a branch in the Woodwards Building and I thought it would be great to have a place in the neighbourhood.

I love my bank.

I never thought I would say that, but I really do. Today's visit epitomized what I love about it: I went to deposit my first cheque for Danielle Lemon Law Group. When I told Lotenna, who greeted me at the door (and who sat in on the opening of my business accounts), that I was depositing my first "paycheck," I got a big high-five. Then I got a wave from Brendan, who I'd call my "personal" banker (who set up my RRSPs and also my business accounts), and who ran to go get my company chequebook, which he presented to me with great fanfare. Katrina deposited my cheque for me, while chatting about Hawaii (she went to Maui right after I did). Kevin was working the next till over, and he told me I looked beautiful today and complimented me on my necklace. Last week I received a thank you card in the mail from Kevin, who wanted to congratulate me on opening my own business. I mean, how great are these people?! I have never felt like an important person to a bank, and I'd avoid actually making a visit to the branch like the plague, sticking to the online banking and phone. But I actually love going to see these people. We all know each other by name, and I feel like they really are rooting for me. How cool is that?! I guess this is just another reason why living in a "real" neighbourhood, with real neighbourhood businesses, is the right thing for me.