The rituals of home.

Every Saturday morning, after I've had my coffee and a good lay-about, I change the sheets on my bed. My mother always changed the sheets on her bed on Saturday mornings, too, and I adopted this Saturday morning ritual from her. Currie loves sheet changing time; we have our own little Saturday morning sheet-changing ritual now, too:

Stage One: Currie runs from wherever she is in the house to stake her territory on the bed and prevent it from being changed. Right after I snapped this photo she attacked my hand. No matter what sheets, the incumbent sheets are her favourite and she vigorously defends them against change.

Stage Two: the new sheets are introduced. Here Currie is closely examining the new pillowcases while defending the previous pillowcases, one of which is draped over her.

Stage Three: new fitted sheet is permitted to be placed on the bed. Rolling around commences.

Stage Four: Flat sheet is placed over the Currie Cat. Lump of Currie remains still under flat sheet for some time.

Final stage: New duvet cover. Currie is well pleased.

So that's our Saturday sheet-changing ritual. My cousin Sally changes her sheets on Thursday night, because Thursday is laundry day and she folds the laundry while watching Greys and Private Practice. What's your bed making ritual?