The delightful sunshine of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday gave way today to sweltering heat, without a breeze in sight. What I wouldn't give for a downtown lake. I had to make do with biking over to Stanley Park for the third time this week and dipping my toes in the ocean.
I had a late night conversation with an old friend last night that's been on my mind. We had not spoken in a long, long time, and we had started chatting over various important events in each other's lives which we had missed. We were discussing the long marathon race of the countdown, and I said how exhausting it was. And how scary it was to feel, deep down, that I am supposed to get to a certain destination, but I don't know the way. And that uncertainty made the destination seem unreal, an oasis. "You can be great if you want to be," he said. "Don't be afraid to believe in magic. It exists."
So today, I'm thinking alot about magic, and hoping really hard that it exists.