1446 days to go. Curriecat Frenzy.

I do not know what is up with the Currie Monster, but she is out. of. control. Yesterday she pulled my new pair of lightweight black cotton pants into the bathroom, and bunny-kicked the hell out of them until there were holes in them everywhere. Then she dragged my purple Lulu Lemon tank top in as well, and had a go at that for an hour or so, until I discovered her and took it away. Now we're playing a new game where she stands defiantly on my Pineapple Couch, scratches the hell out of it while staring into my eyes, then darts away the minute she thinks I'm reaching for the discipline - a squirt bottle. Oh, and she's forgotten that she doesn't usually get up in the mornings, and is standing on me at 5:37 a.m. meowing for breakfast.

I think it's treat withdrawal. She's begun to think that Temptations are her due, and jumps up on her "treat stool" every time I walk by or into the kitchen, and meows plaintively for treats. I informed her two days ago that treats are a gift, not a right, and I think she's taking it out on me. I caught her for this photo, silently plotting her next move, with her toy mouse (unpictured) in between her paws. Do they have a Betty Ford Centre for Kitty Treat Addiction? Because I think Currie Cat might need a 12 step program.