1438 days to go. Hollywood.

Tonight my friend Briana and I went to see the Lion King (for what it's worth, we thought the pageantry and score was amazing but the book and performances only so-so...and there were some serious sound problems). Before the show, we had dinner at Nuba, my favorite Lebanese place which is nestled in the basement of the old Metropolitan building (I think it's called the Metropolitan?!) at Cambie and Hastings, down a long, wide staircase.

After the show, I left the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and I headed down through Victory Square, towards home. I was a little worried as I approached, as I saw several police cars and ambulances with sirens. Then I passed a van that said "Bomb Squad - Special Operations." Even more worried now. I had visions of poor Currie Cat being blown to bits and concluded that while I only suspected it before, I really was cursed. I hustled to the intersection, where there appeared to be orange and white barricades holding back crowds of bystanders and evacuees.

As I hit the crosswalk at Cambie and Hastings, I was stopped by a Vancouver Police officer who was directing traffic. As I waited, slightly panicked, I took a closer look at the parked police cars. They all said "Boston Police." The entrance to Nuba had been transformed into a Subway station, complete with a fake tiled wall at the entrance. Suddenly I noticed the scores of people with walkie-talkies rushing around, and the klieg lights. As I waited to cross the street, a huge truck passed through, dousing the streets with water, and I heard someone yell "Cue the rain," and water began to fall from large siphons posted high around the intersection. Then I saw a man who looked suspiciously like Joshua Jackson, and a techy walk by in a "Fringe" t-shirt, and realized I'd walked into an episode of the show. I felt stupid and relieved.

The W is fast becoming a favorite spot for TV and movie shoots - I'm hoping one of these days someone will stop me in the street, tell me I'm perfect, and put me in a movie. Hey - it could happen, right?