Wherein I Make a Pie and Become a Rock Star.

In an interview recently, Lady Gaga was asked how she was adjusting to her new-found fame.  Lady Gaga, pursing her lips, looked bemused, and after a pause, said "But I've always been famous...people just didn't know before."  Well, the Lady and I must have been born under the same star sign because it has always been one of the great tragedies of my life that I am not a super-mega star (yet).  Or, um, have any talent that could GET me to super-mega star status (yet).  I have decided to take her words to heart and start acting famous.  Thus, after an afternoon spent at Toni & Guy and Benefit, I emerged, Ginger Spice.  Err, I mean.  Rockstar Me.  I don't think Currie wants to be famous, look how she's dodging the paparazzi in the shot above.

Before I was famous, I really enjoyed baking.  You know, cookies, cakes, cupcakes.  The odd madeleine and charlotte.  But one thing I never attempted was the pie.  This was because the making of pie crust has a certain legendary status in our family; it has always been presented, by my grandmother as Chief Family Pie Maker, and her lieutenant, my father, as a culinary Mount Everest that the unprepared must not attempt.  However, being new ultra-confident Famous Dani, and also, sufficiently far away from my father to avoid his scorn and I-told-you-so face when my pie didn't turn out, I thought, hey.  Let's give this pie thing a go.  The results were magnificent.  Below, my first ever Strawberry Rhubarb Sour Cream Pie.  Please, hold your applause.