My dad retired last September, and hasn't done a really good job of taking things easy. Instead he's been hard at work in the new garden at Lifton, shovelling river rock, building water features, cultivating new flowerbeds, unearthing long-forgotten ponds, and fending off the onslaught of voracious deer who have taken a liking to snacking on his plants. He's even had the Momma out there as well, who has been "decorating her outdoor spaces" a la HGTV, weeding, and taking part in Operation Bambi Hunt. The results are amazing and it makes me very homesick to think I won't spend at least one summer night sitting out on the patio eating my Dad's espresso spareribs with Alex and Laura, or wandering around barefoot in the grass with the cat (of course) on a hot afternoon.
The veggie garden. One day Dad called and said, "The bad news: the deer ate all my sweet peas, raspberries and tomato plants. The good news? They don't like green beans! They left the green beans alone!" The next day, a little defeated: "They ate the green beans."
The previous owners at Lifton had originally been avid gardeners as well, but let things go as they got too advanced in years to take care of it all. Dad's been hard at work bringing the beds back to life.
How very Martha, Dad.
Look, a pond! I suggested some koi so Fordie Cat could go fishing, but that was vetoed.
My mother has commented that the new yard is "just the place for a summer garden wedding," so if anyone is interested in getting hitched, let my mother know, wilya? It'll take some of the pressure off Alex, Laura and I...