I Love Doing Videogame Law.

Check this out:

A local blogger, Darren Barefoot, who is amused (or bemused, dunno which) by the Second Life craze, has started a parody site called "Get a First Life," which looks like the Second Life site but has links like, "What is life," "Find out where you ACTUALLY live," and "Fornicate using your ACTUAL genitals." Haw. For those of you who don't know, Second Life is an online environment, a "metaverse" if you will, where your virtual avatar can pretty much lead a parallel life for you...new friends, new relationships, new job, new BODY, you can buy virtual property that you can sell with real money...basically if you suck at your real life, you get a second chance here. Many, many people are obsessed with it.

Anyways, "Get a First Life" has a link inviting cease-and-desist letters, and they actually got one from Linden Labs, who created Second Life, which is quite funny. As CBC reports, the lawyer starts out with the usual scare-the-hell-0utta-you language, then pops this in for good measure:

"Linden Lab objects to any implication that it would employ lawyers incapable of distinguishing such obvious parody...Linden Lab is well-known for having strict hiring standards, including a requirement for having a sense of humour, from which our lawyers receive no exception." The lawyer then goes on to say that Barefoot's invitation to submit a cease-and-desist letter is "hereby rejected."

This made my day. Funny lawyers. What will they think of next?!