St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 19, 2006

Saturday marked the end of Celtfest, with Vancouver's St. Patrick's Day parade, featuring the Indo-Canadian Cultural Centre's bhangra dancers and this lovely float from the Vancouver Dragonboat Society. Only in Vancouver, people. Only in Vancouver.

Disturbingly enough, trapped inside this pot of gold were children. You can see one, on the left, poking her head out and gasping for air. How the kiddie-prisoners added to the overall effect, I dunno.

Me. Enjoying some sun.

Obligatory picture of Highland Dancers.

Police puppies!

There his is, the man himself, with the Good Book and a staff, to drive those serpents out of Ireland. I should note that his presence did nothing to drive away the weirdos in their sleeping bags sleeping along the parade route on Granville Street.